Debugging Concurrent Programs

 This chapter is work in progress ("beta"). It is incomplete and may change at any time.

Brief abstract/introduction/motivation. State what the chapter is about in 1-2 paragraphs. Then, have an introduction video:

from bookutils import YouTubeVideo


import bookutils
import DeltaDebugger


To use the code provided in this chapter, write

>>> from debuggingbook.ThreadDebugger import <identifier>

and then make use of the following features.

For those only interested in using the code in this chapter (without wanting to know how it works), give an example. This will be copied to the beginning of the chapter (before the first section) as text with rendered input and output.

Section 1


Lessons Learned

  • Lesson one
  • Lesson two
  • Lesson three

Next Steps

Link to subsequent chapters (notebooks) here, as in:


Cite relevant works in the literature and put them into context, as in:

The idea of ensuring that each expansion in the grammar is used at least once goes back to Burkhardt [Burkhardt et al, 1967], to be later rediscovered by Paul Purdom [Purdom et al, 1972].


Close the chapter with a few exercises such that people have things to do. To make the solutions hidden (to be revealed by the user), have them start with


Your solution can then extend up to the next title (i.e., any markdown cell starting with #).

Running make metadata will automatically add metadata to the cells such that the cells will be hidden by default, and can be uncovered by the user. The button will be introduced above the solution.

Exercise 1: Title

Text of the exercise

# Some code that is part of the exercise

Some more text for the exercise

Exercise 2: Title

Text of the exercise

Creative Commons License The content of this project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The source code that is part of the content, as well as the source code used to format and display that content is licensed under the MIT License. Last change: 2021-05-11 18:58:38+02:00CiteImprint